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Language localization instructions V4

Contact information

If you have comments, questions or suggestions about the localization instructions, please send them to  I have done my best to make these instructions complete and accurate, but if you find errors or omissions, please bring them to my attention.

These instructions are for The Panorama Factory V4.  V5 uses a different format for storing the language translation.  The instructions for V5 are here:
             Language localization instructions V5



Thanks for your interest in translating The Panorama Factory program into another language.  By working on  the translation, you can help make this program accessible to many other people.

The Panorama Factory is a shareware product, owned by Smoky City Design LLC. By submitting your string table to us, you agree that Smoky City Design may modify and/or distribute the string table to other users of the Panorama Factory and that Smoky City Design LLC shall own all right, title and interest in the string table, including but not limited to copyrights and moral rights worldwide.

When your string table translation is finished, please send it to me and I will make it available for downloading by other users.  I will show your name as the translator and include your email address or web address if you wish.

In some cases, more than one person may express interest in translating the program into a particular language.  If one person has already made significant progress on the translation, I may ask the others to review the translation.  Or I may simply notify each person of the other's email addresses so that you can share the work.


Work flow

I suggest you follow this work flow as you do the translation:

Step 1 -- Read the General information section.  This section describes the syntax of the string table file and also includes many helpful suggestions.  Please become familiar with this section before starting the translation work.

Step 2 -- Make a glossary.  I strongly suggest you begin by making a glossary.  For each term used in the English version, write down the translation you have chosen for your local language version.  You can refer back to this glossary as you work on translating the string table.  The terms fall roughly into three categories:

Step 3 -- Create your string table by copying the English table.  Download the English string table:

Open the ZIP file and extract the string table file:


Copy or rename the English string table file to a name containing your language name.  For example, the German string table would be:


Edit string 1 to contain the name of your local language.  I suggest you use both English and local words.  For example, the German string table would contain:

1 "Deutsch / German"

String 2 should contain the directory name used for locale-specific files (e.g. help files).  You should use the Microsoft 3-letter language code for your language. See Language Code and Scripts at Microsoft's web site for the table of all language codes.  For example, the German string table would contain:

2 "deu"

String 3 should contain the code page used in this string table.  For example, the German string table would contain:

3 "1252"

String 4 should define the locale used in this string table.  Locale controls collation order and decimal point display.  Refer to the comments in the English string table for a complete description of the locale string.  The simplest method is to use a 2-letter Microsoft language string.  For example, the German string table could contain:

4 "deu"

Save your file into the languages folder of The Panorama Factory's application folder.  This is normally:

c:\Program Files\Smoky City Design\The Panorama Factory\languages

Test this by opening the Options dialog box (Tools menu) in The Panorama Factory.

Step 4 -- Translate the common strings and miscellaneous dialog box strings.  Translate the sections starting with strings 20, 10250 and 10300.

I recommend you remove the special codes dlg~, ttl~, etc. as you work.  This way you can easily find strings that have not been translated by searching for "~".

Step 5 -- Translate the image types.  Translate the sections starting with strings 141 and 160.  Additional individual image types are strings 3101, 320, 4301, 4501 and 4601   I recommend you also translate the related strings 10223, 208 and 209 at the same time so that the substitutions will be grammatically correct.  See also Grammatical considerations.

Step 6 -- Translate the strings on the Wizard dialogs.  The strings for the Wizard dialogs are strings 11000 through 11999.

Check your work by loading your string table.  Refer to Loading your string table for instructions on loading your string table and for a way to show the string numbers on screen.

Refer to Test sequence to view all Wizard panels in order to see all the Wizard panels.

Step 7 -- Translate dialog box titles.  These are strings marked with the special code ttl~.  Many of these should be in your glossary.

Step 8 -- Translate dialog box controls.  These are strings marked with the special code dlg~.

You may choose to do all strings at once or work on one dialog box at a time, checking your work as you go.

Check your work by loading your string table.  Refer to Loading your string table for instructions on loading your string table and for a way to show the string numbers on screen.

Refer to Test sequence to view all dialog boxes for instructions on how to open specific dialog boxes.

Step 9 -- Translate folder names shown on Options dialog.  These are strings 13300 through 13307.  See also Grammatical considerations.

Step 10 -- Translate messages shown on message boxes.  These are strings marked with the special code msg~.

I apologize for not having good instructions for testing most of these messages.  Please try to do your best when translating even though you may be unable to check your work.

Step 11 -- Translate any remaining strings.  Search for "~" to find the remaining strings.


Revised: October 23, 2007

© 1999-2007 Smoky City Design, LLC and John Strait