The Panorama Factory uses 16 bits per color channel when you select
Use 45-bit pixels on the Project properties dialog box (File
menu). This option is selected automatically if the first image
you import has more than 8 bits per color channel.
If you select Use 45-bit pixels and then export the image
to PSD format, white speckles may appear spread throughout the saved
image. The speckles may also appear if you select the Improve quality
command (Image menu) with Use 45-bit pixels selected.
This problem does not occur for all stitching projects. It only
occurs when you use the result of one stitched image as the input for
another within a single stitching project. This type of project is
used, for example, when doing
Multi-row stitching
with The Panorama Factory V4.
This problem also applies only to TIFF and PNG images that were created
with more than 8 bits per color channel. JPG and BMP images always
have only 8 bits per color channel.
The workaround for the Improve quality command is simply to
avoid using it. This command is much less important in V4.x than it
was in V3.x. The normal image quality in V4.x has been improved to
the point that it is very, very close to the output from the Improve
quality command.
There is no workaround for the problem with PSD format except to use
8-bit images instead of 16-bit images.