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Trouble report 588

Automatic rotation of a QTVR image fails when the image opens in new browser window

Versions affected

4.0 - 4.2


When you design your web pages to open new browser windows (e.g. using the Target value on the Hotspot properties dialog box), automatic rotation of a QTVR image fails to start on the new page.


To workaround this problem, you must manually edit the HTML code written by The Panorama Factory.  You can edit the HTML file using an HTML editor (e.g. Microsoft Frontpage) or using any text editor (e.g. Notepad or Wordpad).

To correct the problem, you must change the HTML line containing "autopan=".  For example, if your panoramic image is named "", the auotpan line would be something like this:

document.yourimage.autopan = window.setInterval('{var d = new Date(); document.yourimage.SetPanAngle (document.yourimage.GetPanAngle() + (d.getTime()-document.yourimage.autotime) / -41.67); document.yourimage.autotime=d.getTime()}', 25);

Insert the red items into the line. Be sure to enter the name of your panorama in place of "yourimage".

document.yourimage.autopan = window.setInterval('{var d = new Date(); if (document.ID.GetPluginStatus()=="Complete") document.yourimage.SetPanAngle (document.yourimage.GetPanAngle() + (d.getTime()-document.yourimage.autotime) / -41.67); document.yourimage.autotime=d.getTime()}', 25);


Corrected in V4.3.

Revised: May 29, 2006

© 1999-2006 Smoky City Design, LLC and John Strait