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Trouble report 326

Inefficient memory usage if you save the project before completing Wizard 5

Versions affected

3.0 - 3.1


Normally The Panorama Factory frees the memory occupied by an image when it is no longer needed. For example, The Panorama Factory frees the memory occupied by the stitched image after cropping it. It frees the memory occupied by the cropped image after resizing or sharpening it. And so on.

The problem I have identified occurs when these two conditions are both met:

1. You are using the Wizard.


2. You save the project BEFORE pressing the Next button on Wizard step 5.

Under these conditions, The Panorama Factory does not free the memory occupied by the stitched image, the cropped image, etc. when no longer needed. This means you may receive the out of memory error even though there should be enough memory to complete the operation.


To avoid this problem, do not save the project until after pressing the Next button on Wizard step 5. If you are worried about crashing, The Panorama Factory's autosave/recovery feature should allow you to recover after crashes.

You should always run with autosave/recovery enabled. Disabling it may actually hurt the program's performance. Although this may seem counterintuitive, it is the ability to write image files to the autosave location that permits The Panorama Factory to remove unused images from memory.


Corrected in V3.2

Revised: April 28, 2004

© 1999-2005 Smoky City Design, LLC and John Strait