Extra stuffThis web page describes extra stuff in The Panorama Factory V5.2 and newer. Some features may also be available in earlier versions of The Panorama Factory, but we do not attempt to document the differences between versions. These features exist to help support @ panoramafactory.com diagnose difficulties you may be having with The Panorama Factory. They may be used for other purposes, but we do not guarantee their suitability for any other purpose. These features may change without notice.
The Panorama Factory contains a built-in screen capture function. To capture a a single window, dialog box, etc. inside The Panorama Factory, hover the mouse over the window and type CTRL+F7. To capture the entire screen, hover the mouse outside of The Panorama Factory and type the key. Holding down SHIFT with CTRL+F7 delays for 10 seconds before capturing the screen to make it possible to set up the screen (e.g. popup menus) if needed. Holding down ALT with CTRL+F7 when hovering over a window engages the enlargement function. This enlarges the capture rectangle until its boundary covers a uniform color. If your desktop is a single color, this enlarges the screen capture to include all overlapping windows. SHIFT and ALT may be combined. The screen capture displays an expanding rectangle to confirm the area captured and then you are given the opportunity to save the screen image in any of the image formats supported by The Panorama Factory. Send a screen capture to customer support You may find it helpful to send a screen image to support @ panoramafactory.com to help illustrate a problem you are experiencing. Or we may ask you to send one. To send a screen capture, start by capturing the screen as described in the previous section. To send the screen capture without saving it to a file, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys and click Cancel. If you want to send the screen capture and also save it to a file, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys when you click OK on the Save image dialog box. Send an image file to customer support You may find it helpful to send an exported image to support @ panoramafactory.com to help illustrate a problem you are experiencing. Or we may ask you to send one. To send an exported image, use the Save current image as command (File menu). When you are prompted to save the file, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys when you click OK on the Save image dialog box. Send a project file to customer support You may find it helpful to send an entire stitching project to support @ panoramafactory.com to help illustrate a problem you are experiencing. Or we may ask you to send one. To send a project file, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys and click this toolbar button: . To create a report summarizing the current state of virtual memory usage, open the Timers dialog box (Tools menu). While holding down the CTRL and ALT keys (PC) or COMMAND and ALT keys (Mac), click the Reset button. The memory usage report will be written to the file pfmemusage.txt in the system temp folder. Open a project when the imported images are missing If one or more of the imported images is missing, The Panorama Factory will ordinarily refuse to open the project. For each missing image file, The Panorama Factory displays a message box saying Cannot open file abc.jpg. To substitute a gray rectangle for the missing image file, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys (PC) or COMMAND and ALT keys (Mac), when you click OK on this message box. The Panorama Factory contains a runtime trace feature that may be enabled by creating a special file. To enable the trace feature, create the file pftrace.txt in the system temp folder. The first line of the file controls the trace options. Trace messages are appended to the end of the file. Set the first line of the file to:
The trace mask values are created by the bitwise OR of these values:
Each time you start The Panorama Factory, the trace feature is initialized by the first line of the file, and then trace messages are appended to the end of the file. The file is not truncated, so it continues to grow up to max kbytes. At this point, trace is disabled and will not reenable regardless of the mask and count values. Some examples:
You may turn trace on or off from the keyboard. Start by typing \ while holding down the CTRL and ALT keys. Then type digit and/or letters while continuing to hold down the CTRL and ALT keys. The digits to type for particular trace options are shown in parentheses in the list above. Turning on a trace option adds it to the set of options that are already on without turning any off and simultaneously sets the trace limit to display 1000 more messages. The letter z turns all trace options off. The Panorama Factory will ask if you want to send the trace file to to support @ panoramafactory.com if the trace stops for any of these reasons:
The trace file is not automatically sent if the program terminates abnormally. In this case, you must locate the file pftrace.txt in the system temp folder and send it to us manually. Here are some convenience links for turning trace on and off.
Opening the system temp folder/tmp If you have not changed the location of the system temp folder, you can open it this way:
Revised: January 16, 2010 © 1999-2009 Smoky City Design, LLC and John Strait |