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Mina (aka Capo di Tutti Capo) was picked up as a stray by the Animal Rescue League on the streets in the dead of winter and weighed only 6 pounds. In addition to her desperate physical condition she had clearly been abused and was an emotional baske case. After a couple of years of TLC, she has become an affectionate if somewhat bossy companion, but still carries the emotional scars of her early days.The Affenpinscher is a balanced, wiry-haired terrier-like toy dog whose intelligence and demeanor make it a good house pet. Originating in Germany, the name Affenpinscher means, "monkey-like terrier". The breed was developed to rid the kitchens, granaries, and stables of rodents. In France the breed is described as the "Diablotin Moustachu" or moustached little devil. Both describe the appearance and attitude of this delightful breed. General demeanor is game, alert, and inquisitive with great loyalty and affection toward its master and friends. The breed is generally quiet, but can become vehemently excited when threatened or attacked, and is fearless toward any aggressor.
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