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Step G -- Stitch the rotated rows together

In this step, we stitch the rows together.

  1. Note that the three rows are in the wrong order.  They need to be in order from lower row to central row to upper row for stitching.  To move a thumbnail, first single-click it so that only one thumbnail is selected.  Then click and drag the thumbnail to its new position.

  2. Select all three rotated thumbnails at once. Click the first rotated thumbnail to select it and then hold the CTRL key while you click each of the other rotated thumbnails. After these clicks, you should be able to see that the three rotated thumbnails are selected and all other thumbnails are not selected.

  3. Choose the Stitch with the Wizard command (New image menu).

  4. Choose Manual document stitching on Wizard 2/9.  This stitching method joins the images without warping.  It is unnecessary to do any additional warping because the row stitching has already converted the images to spherical coordinate system.  Manual document stitching also permits the images to be different sizes. They are all 3800 wide, but the image heights vary.

  5. Advance to Wizard 4/7.  Surprisingly, you need not place any stitching points here!  Simply click the Next button and confirm that you want to advance to the next Wizard step.  You'll be prompted with a message box asking whether you want to advance with incomplete stitching points.  Click Yes.

    It is OK to advance without placing any stitching points.  This forces The Panorama Factory to perform automatic alignment on the images and usually produces the best results.  Placing stitching points carries the risk that the images may be rotated slightly during the alignment.  This is usually the right thing when actually stitching document scans, because it corrects for rotations of the document when placed on the document scanner.  However, in this multi-row procedure, we want to avoid any new rotation after the initial row stitches.

  6. Advance to Wizard 5/7.  Examine the preview image to be sure the stitch is accurate. You may need to adjust the preview resolution.  The default setting for preview resolution assumes you are stitching a normal panorama and it sometimes makes a poor choice here.  But in any case, do not set the preview resolution too large or this step will be very slow!

    If the stitch is not accurate, you should return to Wizard 4/7 and add stitching points.  We recommend that you only add one stitching point pair to each image pair.  A single stitching point pair defines the image-to-image alignment without introducing image rotation.

  7. Advance to Wizard 7/7 to complete the stitch and click Done to exit the Wizard.  You should see a new stitched thumbnail and a cropped thumbnail in the upper pane.  The cropped image is shown in the lower pane.

Advance to Step H -- Rotate the fully stitched image 90 degrees counter-clockwise

Back to Step F -- Rotate the three resized images 90 degrees clockwise

Up to The list of the major steps


Revised: January 31, 2006

© 1999-2006 Smoky City Design, LLC and John Strait