virtual tour example

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Step G -- Crop the image

In this step, we crop the rotated image to remove extraneous white space.  If we want to, we can simultaneously flatten the perspective.

  1. Choose the Crop command (New image menu).

  2. Set cropping parameters as you wish, or keep the defaults. 

    Drag the boundaries of the cropping region to enclose the part of the image you want to keep.

  3. Click Approve.

  4. Note that if you have gotten everything right, the Perspective correction cropping option should create a conventional image that preserves straight lines.  You should not use perspective correction if you plan to display the image in a VR viewer.

    The panorama in our example has a very wide field of view, over 100 degrees.  This means that the Perspective correction option introduces a significant amount of distortion.  So for aesthetic reasons, we used the regular Rectangular crop with this panorama.  Refer to Reichstag perspective correction to see the image with perspective correction.

Advance to Step H --Sharpen the image if desired

Back to Step F -- Assign panoramic properties to the rotated image

Up to The list of the major steps


Revised: January 12, 2007

Text © 2007 Smoky City Design, LLC and John Strait
Photos © 2006 Stephen Wateridge, used with permission