Project toolbar

The project toolbar is displayed across the top of each project window, below its title bar. The project toolbar provides quick mouse access to many project-oriented tools used in The Panorama Factory,

The toolbar is dockable, meaning that you can pull it off of its project window into its own mini-window, or dock it to any side of its project window.






Import a new image into the project.


Improve the quality of the current image.

Show the imported images.


Add or edit hotspots on the current image.

Rotate clockwise 90 degrees.


Fine tune (remove ghosts).

Rotate counter-clockwise 90 degrees.


Approve the current image processing operation.

Rotate 180 degrees.


Delete selected images.

Reverse the order of selected images.


Run the modal Trimmelés tulajdonságok / Trimming properties dialog box.

Trim imported images by marking the corners of their frames.


Run the modal Kamera tulajdonságok / Camera properties dialog box.

Trim imported images with a fixed-size rectangle.


Run the modal Igazítás tulajdonságok / Alignment properties dialog box.

Stitch selected images into a panorama.


Run the modal Keverés tulajdonságok / Blending properties dialog box.

Stitch selected images into a 360 degree panorama.


Run the modal Finomhangolás tulajdonságok / Fine tuning properties dialog box.

Crop the current image.


Show or hide the modeless Szín eszköz / Color tool.

Resize the current image.


Toggles the Negatív / Negative checkbox on the Szín eszköz / Color tool.

Enhance the current image.


Show or hide the modeless Hisztogramm / Histogram panel.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007