Finomhangolás tulajdonságok / Fine tuning properties dialog box

You use the Finomhangolás tulajdonságok / Fine tuning properties dialog box to control the image fine tuning (removal of ghost images) with the Finomhangolás / Fine tune command (Kép / Image menu).

See “Fine tuning the image alignment” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about fine tuning the image alignment.

Téglalapok / Tiles
Controls the number and size of tiles used during the fine tuning process.        The best setting for this value is sensitive to (1) the amount of detail in the image, (2) the image resolution and (3) the width of the overlap regions. 

Smaller tiles may or may not give better results.  As the tiles get smaller, the interpolation between tiles is more precise, so this may improve the results.  But smaller tiles cannot correct large alignment errors because the tile size limits the maximum displacement considered by the automatic fine tuning.

As the tiles get smaller, you also need more tiles.  This increases the time required for fine tuning, so the program gets slower.

Two methods are available for determining the tile size.

Téglalapok száma / Tile count —Tile width and height are calculated by dividing the width or height of the image, whichever is smaller, by the tile count value you enter.  The advantage of this method is that it adjusts automatically for varying image sizes.

Téglalapok mérete / Tile size — Tile width and height are set to the value you enter.

The default value should be good for most panoramas.  When the results of the automatic fine tuning are not acceptable, rather than adjusting the tile size you probably need to manually fine tune.  Refer to “Fine tuning the image alignment” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about manual fine tuning.

Téglalapfelosztás módja / Tiling method
Controls the way the overlap region is divided into fine tuning tiles.

Sorba rendezve / Arrayed — Fills the overlap region with tiles starting from the upper left corner.  Each tile is fine tuned independently.

This is the only method that was available through V1.6.

Szukcesszív szubdivízióval / Successive subdivision — Divides the overlap region in half, then divides the halves in half again, and so on.  At each subdivision, the fine tuning procedure is applied, using the alignment of the surrounding area as a starting point.  Constraints on the alignment offset are tightened at each successive subdivision step.

In some cases this method requires less manual adjustment because it improves the overall consistency of the fine tuning.

Automatikus finomhangolás / Automatically fine tune
Selecting this checkbox causes The Panorama Factory to automatically fine tune all the overlap regions during image alignment and stitching. Remember that you can correct the fine tuning manually after The Panorama Factory has done its best.

Beállítások betöltése profilból: / Load settings from profile:
Select a profile from this dropdown list to load all settings that apply to the current tool dialog box.

Beállítások mentése profilba... / Save settings to a profile...
Select this button to activate the Mentse a beállításokat egy profilba / Save settings to a profile dialog box.   You can save the current settings to an existing profile or create a new profile to hold the settings.

To learn more, see the Profilszervező / Profile organizer dialog box and the Mentse a beállításokat egy profilba / Save settings to a profile dialog box in Chapter 13, “Dialog boxes.”

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007