Trimmelés tulajdonságok / Trimming properties dialog box

The Trimmelés tulajdonságok / Trimming properties dialog box controls the method used for trimming imported images so they are all exactly the same size.  This is usually used only for images scanned from negatives, transparencies or photographic prints.  You probably do not need to use this dialog box if you are using pictures from a digital camera

To learn more about trimming images, refer to “Trim the images” in Chapter 5, “Extra steps when working from scanned photos.”

Trimmelt kép méret / Trimmed image size
Use these entry fields to set the width and height of the trimmed image in pixels. When you are trimming by marking corners, The Panorama Factory computes the default trimmed size from the first set of corners you mark, but you can use these entry fields to override the computed values. If you have overridden the values, setting them to zero will cause The Panorama Factory to recompute the default size.

Trimmelő eszköz / Trimming tool
Use this control to change the choice of trimming method. (Note that the Trimmelés / Trim menu and the tool bar offer two of these three choices.)

Sarkok / Corners — Trims imported images by marking the four corners of the images. See “Trimmelés sarkok megjelölésével / Trim marking corners” under “Trim the images” in Chapter 5, “Extra steps when working from scanned photos.”

Rögzített méretű téglalap / Fixed size rectangle — Trims imported images with a fixed size rectangle. See “Trimmelés téglalappal / Trim rectangle” under “Trim the images” in Chapter 5, “Extra steps when working from scanned photos.”

Körülvágó téglalap / Cropping-style rectangle — Trim imported images using the same type of rectangle used by the Körbevágás / Crop command (Új kép / New image menu).

Élek trimmelése / Trim edges
Use these entry fields to set margins on the trimming source.

Positive numbers reduce the size of the trimming region. When you use the Corners method, the edges of the trimming region typically skim along the edges of the source image. Slightly reducing the size of the trimming region eliminates the possibility of including a few pixels that are actually outside the frame.

Negative numbers enlarge the trimming region. You can use this to add a border around the trimming region.

Beállítások betöltése profilból: / Load settings from profile:
Select a profile from this dropdown list to load all settings that apply to the current tool dialog box.

Beállítások mentése profilba... / Save settings to a profile...
Select this button to activate the Mentse a beállításokat egy profilba / Save settings to a profile dialog box.  You can save the current settings to an existing profile or create a new profile to hold the settings.

To learn more, see the Profilszervező / Profile organizer dialog box and the Mentse a beállításokat egy profilba / Save settings to a profile dialog box in Chapter 13, “Dialog boxes.”

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007