Manually aligning images

To manually align a pair of images, you must first open the overlap region between the images.  Then you select the Image alignment task on the Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region dialog box.  When the image alignment task is selected, you can adjust the image alignment with buttons on the dialog box, with the mouse or the keyboard.

Opening an overlap region
Adjusting alignment with the overlap dialog box
Adjusting alignment with the mouse
Adjusting alignment with the keyboard


Opening an overlap region

To open the overlap region between the two images:

1.       Locate the stitched image in the upper thumbnail array.

2.       Double-click this image to make it the current image.

3.       You'll see red outlines indicating the overlap regions (see “Classic step 2 – Stitch the images into a panorama” in Chapter 4, “Using the Classic interface, step by step” for an example).

4.       Locate the overlap region that is improperly aligned.

5.       Open the overlap region by clicking the handle at the top or bottom edge or double-clicking anywhere on the outline.

When an overlap region is open, The Panorama Factory displays the Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region dialog box.  Four different overlap tasks can be performed with the Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region dialog box.  The image alignment task provides the ability to adjust overall alignment between one image and the next.

Manual image alignment is possible only if fine tuning has not been performed, so if you selected Automatically fine tune on the Finomhangolás tulajdonságok / Fine tuning properties dialog box you’ll need to use the Finomhangolás eltávolítása / Clear fine tuning command (Kép / Image menu) to remove the fine tuning of this overlap region.



Adjusting alignment with the overlap dialog box

When the image alignment task is selected, you can adjust the image alignment with buttons on the dialog box, with the mouse or the keyboard.  Use the arrow buttons on the dialog box to move the right hand image relative to the left hand image.  Individual clicks on the buttons move the image by single pixels.  Holding a button down causes the image to move continuously.  If you hold the button for a long time, the motion accelerates.



Adjusting alignment with the mouse

To adjust the alignment with the mouse, move the mouse over the image.  This cursor shows a hand to indicate that click-dragging with the mouse will moves the right hand image relative to the left hand image.

If your images have been fine tuned, the cursor shows a symbol indicating that you are not allowed to adjust the image alignment.  You’ll need to use the Finomhangolás eltávolítása / Clear fine tuning command to remove the fine tuning of this overlap region before adjusting the alignment.



Adjusting alignment with the keyboard

You may also adjust the image alignment using the keyboard arrow keys after clicking on the image so that it receives the keyboard focus.

Use the LEFTARROW, RIGHTARROW, UPARROW and DOWNARROW keys to manually align the two images one pixel at a time. Hold the SHIFT key to move the images 10 pixels at a time. When you get close, nudge the images around one pixel at a time until you get the sharpest image in the middle of the overlap region.

NOTE: If you click on the Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region dialog box while trying to adjust the alignment, the arrow keys will be sent to that dialog box instead of being used to adjust the alignment.  In this situation, you must click on the large image so that the arrow keys will be sent to the image for the purpose of adjusting alignment.

When you are satisfied with the alignment, restore the fine tuning (if you wish) with the Finomhangolás / Fine tune command (Kép / Image menu).

Finally, select the Bezár / Close button to exit the overlap region or use the <--- Előző / Prev or Következő / Next ---> button to move directly to another overlap region.

See also “Fine tuning the image alignment” in this chapter for more information about manually fine tuning your panorama.


© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007