File menu

New project command
New project wizard command
Open project... command
Import images... command
Rotation when importing images > No rotation, Rotate right 90, Rotate left 90, Rotate 180
Rotation when importing images > Lock rotation setting, Automatically update rotation setting
Close project command
Save project command
Save project as... command
Save project archive as... command
Save current image as... command
Project properties command
Project notes command
Profile organizer command
Page setup command
Print preview command
Print current image... command
File 1, 2, ... command
Exit command


New project command

Use this command to create a new Panorama Factory project.

You can open an existing project with the Open project... command.

Shortcut          CTRL+N



New project wizard command

Use this command to create a new Panorama Factory project using the Wizard.  To learn more about using the wizard, see Chapter 3, “Using the Stitching Wizard to make a panorama.”

To create a blank panorama project, use the New project command (File menu) instead.

You can open an existing project with the Open project... command.



Open project... command

Use this command to open an existing project in a new window. . The Panorama Factory displays the Open dialog box so you can select the project to open.

You can create new projects with the New project command or the New project wizard command.

Shortcut          CTRL+O



Import images... command

Use this command to import one or more image files into your Panorama Factory project. The Panorama Factory displays the Import Images dialog box so you can select the images to open. When you open images, The Panorama Factory places them at the end of the imported thumbnails. When you open multiple images at the same time, The Panorama Factory loads them in alphabetical order.



Rotation when importing images >
No rotation,
Rotate right 90,
Rotate left 90,
Rotate 180

Use these commands to control the amount of image rotation used when imported images.  Rotating the images when you import them can save time when you import large image files. 

Selecting one of the commands that specifies a rotation angle changes the default rotation amount and also displays the Import Images dialog box so you can select the images to open.

If you forget to rotate the images or if you don’t know the correct rotation, don’t worry.  You can also rotate the images after importing.

The choices you make on this menu are persistent.



Rotation when importing images >
Lock rotation setting,
Automatically update rotation setting

Ordinarily, the default rotation setting updates automatically whenever you rotate the images using the Rotate right 90 command, Rotate left 90 command or Rotate 180 command (Edit menu).  However, you can disable the automatic update by selecting the Lock rotation setting command.  If you want to restore the automatic updating, select the Automatically update rotation setting command.

The choices you make on this menu are persistent.



Close project command

Use this command to close all windows containing the active project. The Panorama Factory suggests that you save changes to your project before you close it. If you close a project without saving, you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it. Before closing an untitled project, The Panorama Factory displays the Save As dialog box and suggests that you name and save the project.

You can also close a project by using the Close icon on the project's window.



Save project command

Use this command to save the active project to its current name and directory. When you save a project for the first time, The Panorama Factory displays the Save As dialog box so you can name your project. If you want to change the name or directory of an existing project before you save it, choose the Save project as... command.

Panorama Factory projects are actually a collection of files – see Chapter 15, “Panorama Factory projects.”

Shortcut          CTRL+S



Save project as... command

Use this command to save and name the active project. The Panorama Factory displays the Save As dialog box so you can name your project.

To save a project with its current name and directory, use the Save project command.



Save project archive as... command

Use this command to save and name the active project. The Panorama Factory displays the Save As dialog box so you can name your project. An archival save differs from an ordinary save in that you normally store only the imported image files and thumbnail image files with the archived version. Computed images are not normally stored with the archived version because The Panorama Factory can recompute them when you read the archive.

The Project properties dialog box (File menu) lets you control which computed images are written when you archive your project. You can also designate a different set of computed images to write when you save your project normally.



Save current image as... command

Use this command to save and name the current image. The Panorama Factory displays the Save Image As dialog box so you can name your file. Naming the image file with a .tif, .bmp or .jpg extension determines the image file format.

To save the entire Panorama Factory project, use the Save project command, Save project as... command or Save project archive as... command.

Shortcut          CTRL+V



Project properties command

Use this command to view and edit properties of your Panorama Factory project. This command displays the Project properties dialog box.



Project notes command

Use this command to view and edit notes stored with your Panorama Factory project. This command displays the Project notes dialog box.



Profile organizer command

Use this command to view and edit Panorama Factory profiles.   This command displays the Profile organizer dialog box.



Page setup command

Use this command to set the paper size, margins, orientation of the image on the page (portrait or landscape) and layout of the image. This command presents the Page setup dialog box, where you specify the printing options.



Print preview command

Use this command to display the current image as it would appear when printed. When you choose this command, the main window will be replaced with a print preview window in which one or two pages will be displayed in their printed format. The Print preview toolbar offers you options to zoom in and out of the view and initiate a print job.



Print current image... command

Use this command to print the current image. This command presents a Print dialog box, where you may specify the the number of copies to be printed, the destination printer, and other printer setup options.

Shortcut          CTRL+P



File 1, 2, ... command

The Panorama Factory displays a list of recently used project files at the bottom of the File menu. Choose the number that corresponds with the project you want to open..



Exit command

Use this command to end your Panorama Factory session. The Panorama Factory prompts you to save projects with unsaved changes.


© 1999-2009, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: March 6, 2009