Remastering your
message catalog
When the software developer updates the software application,
the message catalog may change. There are a number of different types of
changes that the developer makes:
Adding new original strings to be translated.
Removing original strings because they are no longer used.
Correcting typographical errors in the original strings.
Changing the wording of original strings, either preserving the
meaning or changing the meaning.
Updating block comments (the large comments above translation
Updating comments to the right of the translation lines.
Changing the folder structure of the message catalog.
When any of these changes are made to the software
application, each language-specific message catalog has to be updated. In
poTree, the process of updating a message catalog to agree with a new version
of the software is called remastering the message catalog.
Follow these steps to remaster your message catalog.
- First, you must obtain the updated master message catalog
for the application from the software developer.
- Open your message catalog in poTree.
- Select the Remaster... command
(the File menu). The Remaster PO file dialog box opens.
- Choose options on the dialog box (see Remaster PO file dialog box for information about
the options) and press OK. A file dialog
- Select the master PO file and press OK.
- poTree analyzes your file and displays a summary of the
changes that need to be made.
- Accept the changes by pressing OK.
poTree will add new original strings to your message catalog. It will
remove translations from your message catalog that were removed from the
master catalog. It will update original strings, the order of
translations, the folder structure and comments to agree with the master
- Translate the new original strings and review the original
strings that were updated to update the translations if necessary.
To help you recognize changes, new original strings and original strings
that were modified are marked as fuzzy. You can use the Find command (the Edit
menu) or the yellow triangle on the toolbar to locate these