Open Open an existing .po file.
Save Save the .po file. Automatically compile it into a .mo file if the automatic compilation option is selected on the Options dialog box (the File menu).
Save as Save the .po file with a new name. Automatically compile it into a .mo file if the automatic compilation option is selected on the Options dialog box (the File menu).
Save to text file... Save the translation data to a text file. Selecting this command runs the Save to text file dialog box to choose the output format and content of the output file. This command can be useful for passing the original strings through an automatic translation program or for passing the translation strings through a spell checking program.
Compile Compile the .po file into a .mo file without saving the .po file.
Remaster... Update the translation file to agree with a master .po file. For more information, refer to “Remastering your message catalog” and to the Remaster PO file dialog box.
Header.... Open the Header dialog box.
Options.... Open the Options dialog box.
Exit Close poTree.