Planning your virtual tour

You should probably spend a little time planning before creating your virtual tour. 

1.       Begin by deciding on the panoramas, conventional images, descriptions, etc. you want to include in the tour.  You can use the New Project Wizard (see Chapter 3, “Using the Stitching Wizard to make a panorama”) or the Classic interface (see Chapter 4, “Using the Classic interface, step by step”)

2.       Next, decide whether you want to use a panoramic viewer and choose the viewer format.  Refer to “Export image file formats” in Chapter 9, “Image file formats” to learn more about the formats supported by The Panorama Factory.

3.       Next, choose a template for your web pages.  You can use one of the templates supplied with The Panorama Factory or create your own template.

4.       Finally, decide whether you want to create a thumbnail index web page.  You’ll create the template page the first time you save a panorama and then update it each time you save another one.   You can use one of the templates supplied with The Panorama Factory or create your own template.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007