Chapter 9                                  Image file formats

The Panorama Factory can read and write a variety of image file formats.  Some formats are for simple images only, while others can be included in web pages and/or displayed by virtual reality (VR) viewers.


Import image file formats
Export image file formats
PSD image file format
IVR image file format
PTViewer image file format
QTVR image file format
JPEG beállítások / JPEG settings dialog box
TIFF beállítások / TIFF settings dialog box
PNG beállítások / PNG settings dialog box
PNG beállítások / PSD settings dialog box
IVR beállítások / IVR settings dialog box
PTViewer beállítások / PTViewer settings dialog box
QTVR beállítások / QTVR settings dialog box
GIF is not supported by The Panorama Factory

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007