Installing The Panorama Factory

You may have found the installation package in any of these places:

·         The Panorama Factory website.

·         A shareware repository website.

·         A friend's copy.

·         Through a retail purchase.

·         Bundled with another software package under

·         etc.

You may install The Panorama Factory no matter how you received the installation package.  However, you may wish to visit to be sure that you have the most recent version.  The most recent version will always be available directly from The Panorama Factory.  Other sources may or may not have the most recent version.

Please refer to the Release Notes section of this User Guide for information about installing The Panorama Factory V4 on a computer that has a previous version of The Panorama Factory.

The Panorama Factory is supplied as a single file that contains The Panorama Factory’s installation package.

1.       Locate the installation package with the Windows file Explorer and double-click the file name.  For example, the installation package for The Panorama Factory V4 m32 Edition is named pfactory_setup_m32.exe.

2.       You will be presented with a Welcome panel.  As suggested on this panel, be sure you have exited all other programs before installing.  Press Next > to advance to the next installation panel.

3.       Read the End User License Agreement and press Yes if you agree to its terms.

4.       You will now be presented with the Choose Destination Folder panel.  This allows you to set the file folder into which the software will be installed.  You can use the default folder or change it.  Press Next >.

5.       Use the Select Language panel to choose the language for The Panorama Factory.  If you change your mind later, you can select a different language with The Panorama Factory’s Beállítások / Options dialog box (Eszközök / Tools menu).  Press Next >.

6.       Finally, you will see the Start Installation panel.  Press Next > to start the installation.

7.       When setup is complete, you will see a panel telling you that setup has installed the software on your computer.  Press Finish to exit the installation.

8.       Select The Panorama Factory icon from the Windows Start menu to run the program.  The Windows Start menu is normally located in the lower left hand corner of your computer’s desktop.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007