Wizard step 9/9 – A panoráma mentése és nyomtatása / Save & print your panorama

In this step you save, view and print the final panorama.  In fully automatic stitching or document stitching, this is Wizard step 7/7.

Press these buttons to save or view your image:

Végső kép mentése... / Save final image...

Saves the final image.   You’ll have an opportunity to create a web page and add a thumbnail to an index page if you wish.  See for more information.


Megtekintés böngészőben... / View in browser...

Starts your web browser to view the final image.  This command is available only if you selected Prepare image for internet display in the previous Wizard step.

Projekt mentése... / Save project...

Saves the panorama project file.  Saving your project lets you open it later if you need to make changes.


Press these buttons to print your image:

Oldalbeállítás... / Page setup...

Runs the Oldalbeállítás / Page setup dialog box to let you choose the paper size, the margins, the orientation of the image on the page (portrait or landscape) and the layout of the image.

Nyomtatási kép... / Print preview...

Displays the image as it would appear when printed. When you choose this command, the main window is replaced with a print preview window in which one or two pages will be displayed in their printed format.

Nyomtatás... / Print...

Sends the final image to the printer.

After saving and printing, press the Következő / Next > button learn more about getting the results you want or press Kész / Done to leave the Wizard.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007