Oldalbeállítás / Page setup dialog box

The Oldalbeállítás / Page setup dialog box controls the paper size, the margins, the orientation of the image on the page (portrait or landscape) and the layout of the image.  These options are stored in your project.

As a convenience, if there is more than one printer connected to your computer you can also select the printer and printer-specific options you want to use.  The printer-specific choices are not saved in the project.

Papír / Paper Méret: / Size:
Selects the paper size to print on.

Papír / Paper Forrás: / Source:
Selects the paper tray or other paper source.

Orientáció / Orientation
Sets the orientation of the image with respect to the paper: Állókép / Portrait or Fekvőkép / Landscape.

Margók / Margins
Sets the left, right, top and bottom margins of the page.

Elrendezés / Layout
Sets the layout of the image on the page.

Oldalnyi / Fit page — Scales the image to the maximum size that fits within the margins.

Teljes méret / Full size — Scales the image to its actual size as defined with the Kép tulajdonságok / Image properties dialog box.  This may cause the image to extend to multiple pages horizontally and/or vertically.

Magasságnyi / Fit height — Scales the image so that its vertical dimension fits exactly within the top and bottom margins of the page.  This may cause the image to extend to multiple pages horizontally.

Szélességnyi / Fit width — Scales the image so that its horizontal dimension fits exactly within the left and right margins of the page.  This may cause the image to extend to multiple pages vertically.

Többoldalas nyomtatás / Multi-page printing

Oldalak átlapolása berajzolva a margókon / Overlap pages by drawing in margins — Causes the image to extend into the margins by 0.2” (about 5mm) to create an overlap between one image and the next.  This overlap is on the left and right sides and/or top and bottom depending on the Elrendezés / Layout selection.

Regisztrációs jelek berajzolva a margókon / Draw registration marks in margins — Draws small “x” marks in the margins to help you align multiple page panoramas.  The registration marks are drawn above and below and/or left and right of the image depending on the Elrendezés / Layout selection.

            These options are designed to work together to help you assemble multiple page panoramas.  For example, if you select Magasságnyi / Fit height for a horizontal panorama, the images are overlapped on the left and right sides and registration marks are drawn above and below the image on each side.  You cut each page through the registration marks on its lefthand side and overlay each page on its predecessor.  You slide the pages around to match the registration marks.  Using a light table is not necessary (although you may find it helpful) — the diagonal lines in the registration marks are sufficient for correct alignment.

Nyomtató... / Printer...
Runs a dialog box to choose a printer (when your machine offers more than one printer) and to set printer properties.  You may also choose the printer and set printer properties when you select the Aktuális kép nyomtatása... / Print current image... command (Fájl / File menu).  This button is included for your convenience in the Oldalbeállítás / Page setup dialog box, but the selections made with this dialog box are not stored in the project

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007