Wizard step 5/9 – Válassza ki a panoráma típusát / Select panorama type

In this step, you describe the type of panorama you want to create.  The Panorama Factory skips this step for document stitching.

Begin by selecting the output format.

Csak képfájl / Image file only — Creates an image that you can save in a conventional image format such as JPEG, TIFF, BMP or PNG.

IVR — Creates an IVR object to be viewed with the iSeeMedia Java viewer or browser plug-in.  For more information, see “IVR image file format” in Chapter 9, “Image file formats.”

PTViewer — Creates an image and a web page to be viewed with Prof. Helmut Dersch's PTViewer.  For more information, see “PTViewer image file format” in Chapter 9, “Image file formats.”

QTVR — Creates a QuickTime VR movie to be viewed with Apple's QuickTime viewer or browser plug-in.  For more information, see “QTVR image file format” in Chapter 9, “Image file formats.”

Weboldalak / Layered Photoshop image (PSD) — Creates a Photoshop file (PSD format) in which each original image of the panorama is stored on its own layer.  This gives you the opportunity to use Photoshop to adjust blending and color matching.

Additional formats — Additional output formats may become available as Panorama Factory application extensions are released to support them.  See the help file associated with the output format for more information.

Next, select image attributes.

Vetítés gömbfelületre / Spherical projection

Vetítés hengerpalástra / Cylindrical projection

Perspektivikus vetítés / Perspective projection The type of projection (warping) used by The Panorama Factory to make the images fit together seamlessly.  Some output formats require a particular choice.  In this case, the other choice will be unavailable.

            Choose Perspektivikus vetítés / Perspective projection to flatten the image so that it has conventional perspective.  Normally, stitched panoramas show the characteristic “panoramic perspective” where straight lines are curved.  Perspektivikus vetítés / Perspective projection option restores normal perspective.  This option may be used only for images up to about 120 degrees field of view and may not be used for VR viewers.

            See also Vetítés / Projection on the Kamera tulajdonságok / Camera properties dialog box for an explanation of the difference between Vetítés gömbfelületre / Spherical projection and Vetítés hengerpalástra / Cylindrical projection.

Részleges panoráma / Partial panorama — Choose this option if your images do not cover 360 degrees.

360 fokos panoráma / 360 degree panorama — Choose this option if your images cover 360 degrees.  The Panorama Factory will connect the lefthand and righthand ends of the panorama together into a complete circle.

When you are satisfied with your settings, press the Következő / Next> button to advance to the next step of the Wizard.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007