Wizard step 8/9 – A panoráma létrehozása / Create your panorama

Here you make final choices about the form of the panoramic output file.  In fully automatic stitching or document stitching, this is Wizard step 6/7.

First, indicate the intended disposition of your final image—internet display or printing.

Kép előkészítése internet képernyőre / Prepare image for internet display
Selecting this option gives you the ability to control the final image size in pixels.  It also gives you the option of automatically creating a thumbnail image.

Choose one of these options:

Maximális méret / Maximum size — The final image will be as large as possible.

Kép szélessége / Image width — Enter the width of the final image in pixels.  The Panorama Factory will scale the width and height proportionally to create the final image.

Kép magassága / Image height — Enter the height of the final image in pixels.  The Panorama Factory will scale the width and height proportionally to create the final image.

Kép előkészítése nyomtatásra / Prepare image for printing
Selecting this option gives you the ability to control the final image size in inches or centimeters.

Choose one of these options:

Alapértelmezett felbontás / Default resolution — The final image will be printed at the resolution (DPI) specified by the imported images.

Nyomtatott szélesség / Printed width — Enter the width of the printed image in inches,  cm or pixels.  If you choose inches or cm, The Panorama Factory will adjust the resolution (DPI) without changing the size of the image in pixels.

Nyomtatott magasság / Printed height — Enter the height of the printed image in inches, cm or pixels.  If you choose inches or cm, The Panorama Factory will adjust the resolution (DPI) without changing the size of the image in pixels.

When you are satisfied with your settings, press the Következő / Next> button.

At this point the Wizard will do the work of building your Panorama Factory project.  The amount of time this will take depends on the size of your imported images, the options you have chosen and the performance of your computer.  It may take a few minutes or tens of minutes.

These are the steps the Wizard will follow to build your project:

1.       If you selected Teljesen automatikus / Fully automatic (Fotó tűzés / Photo stitching) and any of these options:
               Automatikusan érzékelje a fókusztávolságot / Automatically detect focal length
               Megbecsültem a fókusztávolságot / I guessed the focal length
               Majdnem biztos vagyok a fókusztávolságban / I am pretty sure of the focal length
               Hordótorzítás korrekció / Correct barrel distortion
               Fényerőcsökkenés korrekció / Correct brightness falloff
the Wizard begins by warping and aligning the central two images.  It then uses these two images to calculate the focal length, the correction for barrel distortion and/or the correction for brightness falloff.

2.       If you did not select Teljesen automatikus / Fully automatic (Fotó tűzés / Photo stitching), the Wizard uses the stitching points to determine the focal length and the correction for barrel distortion.  It then uses the central two images to calculate the correction for brightness falloff if you selected ##10255## / Correct brightness falloff.

3.       Next, the Wizard warps and aligns all of your images.  If you selected Automatikus finomhangolás / Automatically fine tune, it also fine tunes the overlap regions to remove ghosts.

4.       The Wizard crops your image automatically.

5.       If you specified the size of your final image in pixels, the Wizard resamples the cropped image.

6.       Finally, the Wizard applies a sharpening filter if you selected Végső kép élesítése / Sharpen the final image.

The Automatikusan érzékelje a fókusztávolságot / Automatically detect focal length, Automatikus finomhangolás / Automatically fine tune and Végső kép élesítése / Sharpen the final options may be somewhat time consuming.  If you find that your panoramas take a very long time to create, you may decide to decline one or more of these options.  If you decline these options, your image may lose some quality.  But don't worry; you can apply all of these options later using the Classic interface.  To learn how, see:

·         The Finomítás ±50% / Refine ±50% button on the Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region dialog box in Chapter 13, “Dialog boxes.”

·         The Finomhangolás / Fine tune command (Kép / Image menu) in Chapter 6, “Menus.”

·         The Élesítés / Sharpen command (Új kép / New image menu) in Chapter 6, “Menus.”

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007