Wizard step 3/9 – Határozza meg a kameráját / Describe your camera

The third step of the Wizard helps you describe the camera you used to make the images.   The Panorama Factory requires a description of your camera to correctly merge the images.  The Panorama Factory skips this step for document stitching.

NOTE: The Panorama Factory’s focal length detection is normally very accurate.  We strongly recommend that you select Automatikusan érzékelje a fókusztávolságot / Automatically detect focal length and Hordótorzítás korrekció / Correct barrel distortion, especially if using the Teljesen automatikus / Fully automatic or Félautomatikus / Semi-automatic stitching method.

Kamera típus / Camera type
Start by selecting the type of camera you used from the drop down list:

35mm / 35mm — Select this option if you used a 35mm camera and scanned negatives, transparencies or prints.

APS film szkennelve / APS film scan — Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned full frame negatives or transparencies.

APS hdtv nyomat / APS hdtv print — Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned HDTV format prints (APS H).

APS klasszikus nyomat / APS classic print — Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned Classic format prints (APS C).

APS panoráma nyomat / APS panoramic print  Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned Panoramic format prints (APS P).

Digitális kamera / Digital camera — Select this option if you used a point-and-shoot digital camera.

Digitális SLR / Digital SLR — Select this option if you used a digital camera with interchangeable lenses.

Egyéb digitális kamera -- 35mm ekvivalens / Other digital camera -- using 35mm equivalent — Select this option if you used a digital camera that is not in the camera library and you know (or can guess) the 35mm equivalent focal length.  If you are unfamiliar with the term “35mm equivalent focal length,” please read “What is ‘35mm equivalent focal length?’” at www.panoramafactory.com/equiv35/equiv35.html.

Egyéb digitális kamera -- fókusztávolság szorzóval / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier — Select this option if you used a digital SLR that is not in the camera library and you know the focal length multiplier for your camera.  The focal length multiplier is a number that relates the focal length of the lens to its 35mm equivalent.

Egyéb digitális kamera -- szenzor dimenzióval / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions — Select this option if you used a digital SLR that is not in the camera library and you know the dimensions of the imaging sensor (CCD or CMOS array).

Forgatható lencse vagy rotációs kamera / Swing lens or rotational camera Select this option if you used a swing lens or rotational panoramic camera.

Egyéb film méret / Other film size Select this option if you used some other type of camera (e.g. medium format).

Other information depends on the type of camera:

Gyártó / Make and Modell / Model
If you selected Digitális kamera / Digital camera or Digitális SLR / Digital SLR choose your camera's Gyártó / Make (manufacturer) and Modell / Model from the drop down lists.

            If your digital camera is not available, you should choose one of the following camera types instead:

Egyéb digitális kamera -- 35mm ekvivalens / Other digital camera -- using 35mm equivalent

Egyéb digitális kamera -- fókusztávolság szorzóval / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier

Egyéb digitális kamera -- szenzor dimenzióval / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions

Film mérete / Film dimensions
If you selected Egyéb film méret / Other film size enter the width and height of the film image in millimeters.

            If you selected Egyéb digitális kamera -- szenzor dimenzióval / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions enter the dimensions of the imaging sensor (CCD or CMOS array).

            For 35mm / 35mm and APS cameras, the width and height of the film image is displayed for your information.

            The film dimensions controls are not needed for other types of cameras.

Fókusztávolság szorzó / Focal length multiplier
If you selected Egyéb digitális kamera -- fókusztávolság szorzóval / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier, enter your camera’s focal length multiplier value.  This is a multiplying factor that relates your camera’s true focal length to its 35mm equivalent value.  The focal length multiplier should be printed in the owner’s manual for your camera.

Vízszintes látószög / Horizontal field of view (degrees)
If you selected Forgatható lencse vagy rotációs kamera / Swing lens or rotational camera, enter the angular width of your images in degrees.  This value is required to compute the field of view of the completed panorama.  It is important to enter an accurate value if you intend to export your images to a VR format or if you wish to use the Perspective projection option.

Dokumentum tűzés / Document stitching
You should select this checkbox if you are using the Forgatható lencse vagy rotációs kamera / Swing lens or rotational camera option to stitch scanned documents as described in some of The Panorama Factory Forum and FAQ articles.  Selecting Dokumentum tűzés / Document stitching together with Swing lens or rotational camera disables image warping and enables you to stitch your documents without entering a value for the field of view.

Automatikusan érzékelje a fókusztávolságot / Automatically detect focal length
Select this checkbox to request The Panorama Factory to determine the focal length automatically. 

Fókusztávolság / Focal length
Enter the focal length of the lens in millimeters.

            If you selected an APS camera, enter the actual focal length.  DO NOT enter the 35mm equivalent focal length.

            If you selected Digitális SLR / Digital SLR, Egyéb digitális kamera -- fókusztávolság szorzóval / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier or Egyéb digitális kamera -- szenzor dimenzióval / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions, enter the actual focal length.  DO NOT enter the 35mm equivalent focal length.

            If you selected Digitális kamera / Digital camera or Egyéb digitális kamera -- 35mm ekvivalens / Other digital camera -- using 35mm equivalent, enter the 35mm equivalent focal length focal length.

            You don't need to specify the focal length for swing lens or rotational cameras.

            If you are unfamiliar with the term “35mm equivalent focal length” please read “What is ‘35mm equivalent focal length?’” at www.panoramafactory.com/equiv35/equiv35.html.

            If you do not know the focal length, don’t worry.  Just select Automatikusan érzékelje a fókusztávolságot / Automatically detect focal length and The Panorama Factory will try to determine the focal length for you.

Megbecsültem a fókusztávolságot / I guessed the focal lengthThe Panorama Factory will try focal lengths from 50% less than the number you entered to 50% more.

Majdnem biztos vagyok a fókusztávolságban / I am pretty sure of the focal lengthThe Panorama Factory will try focal lengths from 10% less than the number you entered to 10% more.

Teljesen bizonyos vagyok a fókusztávolságban / I am certain of the focal lengthThe Panorama Factory will use the focal length value you entered without trying to refine its value.

            Please read “Adjusting focal length and barrel correction” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about manually adjusting the focal length after stitching.

There is a wide variation in how digital camera manufacturers determine their 35mm equivalent focal length.  For conventional cameras, there is a wide variation in the effects produced by scanning and printing methods.  Finally, focal length specifications are usually only an approximation to the true focal length value.  For these reasons, it is a good idea to use focal length refinement the first time you stitch a panorama with a particular camera, lens and imaging setup even if you are confident that you know the focal length specification.

Nagylátószögű vagy tele-konverter: / Wide angle or tele converter:
Select this checkbox if you added a wide angle converter or telephoto converter to the standard lens used on your camera.  Enter the converter’s magnification factor into the entry field.

            Wide angle converters have a magnification factor that is less than 1.  Telephoto converters have a magnification factor that is greater than 1.  The Panorama factory will adjust for the magnification factor when it refines the focal length value.

Hordótorzítás korrekció / Correct barrel distortion
If your camera and lens combination exhibit barrel (or pincushion) distortion, you can select this checkbox to request that The Panorama Factory try to automatically correct it.

            See “Adjusting focal length and barrel correction” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about manually adjusting the barrel correction after stitching.

            NOTE:  Correcting barrel distortion will increase the time required to compute your panorama.

Fényerőcsökkenés korrekció / Correct brightness falloff
If your camera and lens combination exhibit brightness falloff in the corners you can select this checkbox to request that The Panorama Factory try to automatically correct it.

            See “Adjusting exposure matching and brightness falloff” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about manually adjusting the barrel correction after stitching.

            NOTE:  Correcting brightness falloff will increase the time required to compute your panorama.

When you are satisfied with your settings, press the Következő / Next> button to advance to the next step of the Wizard.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007