Mentse a beállításokat egy profilba / Save settings to a profile dialog box

The Mentse a beállításokat egy profilba / Save settings to a profile dialog box runs whenever you select Beállítások mentése profilba... / Save settings to a profile... on a tool dialog box.  You use this dialog box to save the tool settings to an existing profile or to create a new profile to hold the tool settings.

This dialog box shows a text entry field, a list box, a Cancel button and an OK button.   The list box shows all existing profiles and indicates with a checkmark which profiles already contain settings for the active tool.

To save the settings to an existing profile, select the profile name in the list box and press the OK button.  You can also save the settings by double-clicking the profile name.

To save the tool settings to a new profile, type the profile name into the text entry field and press the OK button.

Válasszon egy profilt vagy adjon meg egy új nevet! / Select a profile or enter a new name
Use this text entry field and list box to select or enter the name of the profile.

Mégse / Cancel
Exits the Mentse a beállításokat egy profilba / Save settings to a profile dialog box without saving the tool settings to a profile.

Saves the tool settings to the selected profile.

To learn more, see the Profile organizer dialog box in Chapter 13, “Dialog boxes.”

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007