Classic step 7 – Print your image

You can print your image directly from The Panorama Factory with the Aktuális kép nyomtatása... / Print current image... command (Fájl / File menu).  The Panorama Factory can layout your printed image in any of these ways:

·         Scaled to fit one page.

·         Scaled to fit the height of one page, extending to as many pages as necessary to cover the horizontal extent of the image.

·         Scaled to fit the width of one page, extending to as many pages as necessary to cover the vertical extent of the image.  (This is the default.)

·         Scaled to actual size (based on the image size set with the Kép tulajdonságok / Image properties dialog box), extending to as many pages as necessary to cover the horizontal and vertical extents of the image

Use the Nyomtatási kép / Print preview command (Fájl / File menu) to view the image as it would appear when printed.  This shows the way the image is paginated and shows registration marks (if selected on the Oldalbeállítás / Page setup dialog box).

The Oldalbeállítás... / Page setup... command (Fájl / File menu) runs the Oldalbeállítás / Page setup dialog box.  On this dialog box you can set the paper size, the margins, the orientation of the image on the page (portrait or landscape) and the layout of the image.  These options are stored in your project.  As a convenience, you can also select the printer you want to use if there is more than one printer connected to your computer.  This choice is not saved in the project.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007