View menu

Toolbar command
Status Bar command
Show imported images command
Edit mode command
Drag mode command
Zoom mode command
Zoom in command
Zoom out command
Fit on screen command
Fit height on screen command
Fit width on screen command
Actual pixels command


Toolbar command

Use this sub-menu to display and hide the toolbars.  The toolbars include buttons for most of the most common commands in The Panorama Factory, such as the Open project... command (File menu).

See in Chapter 11, “Window layout” for help on using the toolbar.



Status Bar command

Use this command to display and hide the Status Bar, which describes the action to be executed by the selected menu item or depressed toolbar button, and keyboard latch state. A check mark appears next to the menu item when the Status Bar is displayed.

See “Status Bar” in Chapter 11, “Window layout” for help on using the toolbar.



Show imported images command

Use this command to display the set of imported thumbnails in the lower pane. Double-clicking any thumbnail selects it as the current image and displays it in the lower pane. If you have chosen the Trim marking corners command or the Trim rectangle command, the imported image is available for trimming.



Edit mode command

Use this command return to normal edit mode after zooming or dragging the image.



Drag mode command

Use this command to select the drag tool.  When the drag tool is selected, the mouse cursor changes to show the drag tool:

Click-dragging on the image with the drag tool moves the image around within its window pane by adjusting the window's scroll controls.  This tool has no effect of the image is small enough to be displayed without scrolling.

Shortcut          Hold the‘d’ key on the keyboard to temporarily display the drag tool.



Zoom mode command

Use this command to select the zoom tool.  When the zoom tool is selected, the mouse cursor changes to show the zoom tool:

Each time you click on the image, it will zoom larger by one step, keeping the point you click centered in the window.  You can also click-drag a rectangle.  The zoom will be set to the largest value that keeps the entire rectangle visible in the window.

Shortcuts         Hold the ‘z’ key on the keyboard to temporarily display the zoom-in tool.
Hold the ‘a’ key on the keyboard to temporarily display the zoom-out tool.



Zoom in command

Use this command to increase the image zoom by one step, making the displayed image larger on the screen.



Zoom out command

Use this command to decrease the image zoom by one step, making the displayed image smaller on the screen.



Fit on screen command

Use this command to set the zoom scale to the largest value that keeps the entire image visible in the window pane.  This may increase the zoom value above 100% or reduce it below 100% depending on the relative sizes of the image and the window pane.



Fit height on screen command

Use this command to set the zoom scale to the largest value that keeps the height of the image visible in the window pane.  The image may still exceed the window pane in width.  This command may increase the zoom value above 100% or reduce it below 100% depending on the relative sizes of the image and the window pane.



Fit width on screen command

Use this command to set the zoom scale to the largest value that keeps the width of the image visible in the window pane.  The image may still exceed the window pane in height.  This command may increase the zoom value above 100% or reduce it below 100% depending on the relative sizes of the image and the window pane.



Actual pixels command

Use this command to set the zoom scale 100%.  This displays the image so that each image pixel covers a single pixel on the screen.


© 1999-2009, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: March 6, 2009