The Panorama Factory will not remember the status of the Use 45-bit
pixels option (Project properties dialog box) unless images
have been loaded. This makes it impossible to set a default of using
45-bit pixels. When a new project is started, The Panorama Factory
imports the project default settings but, because no pictures are loaded,
discards the 45-bit pixel flag. Further, opening the project settings
dialog and setting the flag manually will have no effect unless images
have already been imported.
Once at least one image has been imported, the 45-bit pixel flag works
as expected, and when choosing settings from a saved profile it's clear
the 45-bit flag is being stored in the profile. However, enabling the
45-bit flag after images have been imported triggers a re-import of all
the images, which is hardly optimal.
The reason that The Panorama Factory works this way is that it sets the
45-bit option based on the pixel size of the first imported image. Using
the pixel size of the imported images is the right thing to do most of the
time. But this approach means that the default settings are not honored.