Trimming corners
Fine tuning tiles
Cropping rectangles
Spots, Movable circles, Movable rectangles and Polygons
Irregular outlines
Warping grids
Trimming corners are used to trim imported pictures that are overscanned to show the edges of a print or negative frame. Once placed on the image, trimming corners can be moved to reposition them:
Please read Trim the images in Chapter 5, Extra steps when working from scanned photos for more information about trimming corners.
Rectangles are used for trimming with fixed-size rectangles and when previewing tentative image changes. Ordinary rectangles can usually be resized by moving their edges, but cannot be moved arbitrarily:
Please read about the Ritaglio con rettangolo / Trim rectangle command (Ritaglia / Trim menu) for an example of fixed-size rectangles.
Please read about the Strumenti colore / Color tool (Strumenti / Tools menu), the Nitidezza / Sharpen command (Nuova immagine / New image menu), and the section Adjusting exposure matching and brightness falloff in Chapter 6, Correcting stitching problems for examples of preview rectangles.
Fine tuning tiles are used to fine-tune image alignment by making local adjustments in an overlap region. A line radiating from the center of each tile shows the direction and magnitude of the adjustment. Fine tuning tiles can be resized by moving their edges and the direction and magnitude of the adjustment can be changed:
Please read Fine tuning the image alignment in Chapter 6, Correcting stitching problems for more information about fine tuning tiles.
The Rifila / Crop command (Nuova immagine / New image menu) displays a cropping rectangle. Cropping rectangles show a center horizon line which may be rotated to follow the average rise or fall of a panorama. Cropping rectangles can be resized by by moving their edges, but cannot be moved arbitrarily:
Spots, movable circles, movable rectangles and polygons are used to indicate hotspots for web page hyper linking. Movable circles and rectangles are distinguished from ordinary circles and rectangles by central crosses. Spots, movable circles, movable rectangles and polygons can be moved arbitrarily. Movable circles and movable rectangles can be resized. Polygons can be edited to change their shape:
Irregular outlines show the blending regions between each image and the next in a stitched panorama. Please refer to Classic step 2 Stitch the images into a panorama in Chapter 4, Using the Classic interface, step by step for examples of irregular outlines.
A warping grid is used to adjust the panoramic image warping to correct a curved horizon or slanted vertical lines in the stitched image. Please read Wizard step 7/9 Anteprima a bassa risoluzione / Preview at low resolution in Chapter 3, Using the Stitching Wizard to make a panorama for examples of the warping grid.