Wizard step 2/9 – Válassza ki a tűzés módszerét / Choose stitching method

In the second step of the Stitching Wizard you choose one of four stitching methods.  Usually you can select the stitching method based on how you took your pictures.  The stitching methods are in two groups.  The Fotó tűzés / Photo stitching methods are used for true panoramic photos where the camera is in a single position and rotated between one picture and the next.  The Dokumentum tűzés / Document stitching method is used for stitching large documents that were scanned in sections on a flatbed scanner.

Teljesen automatikus / Fully automatic (Fotó tűzés / Photo stitching)
Select this stitching method if your camera's frontal tilt (pitch) is zero and the lateral tilt (roll) is identical for all images.  A small amount of lateral tilt (up to 5 degrees) can usually be corrected automatically.  This option will give usually give excellent results if you have used a tripod and leveled the camera properly.  If you are not satisfied with the results from fully automatic stitching, you may need to use semi-automatic or manual stitching instead.

Félautomatikus / Semi-automatic (Fotó tűzés / Photo stitching)
Select this stitching method if your camera was tilted up or down and the frontal tilt (pitch) and lateral tilt (roll) are identical for all pictures.  You'll need to place stitching points on one or more pairs of images.  The Panorama Factory will determine the camera tilt angles and apply the same values to all images.  This option will usually give good results if your camera was mounted on a tripod.  If you cannot get satisfactory results with semi-automatic stitching, you may need to use manual stitching instead.

Kézi / Manual (Fotó tűzés / Photo stitching)
Select this stitching method for hand held images where the tilt angles may be different for different images.  You'll place stitching points on all pairs of images so that The Panorama Factory can determine the individual tilt angles.  This method is the most general, but also the most time consuming for the user.

Kézi / Manual (Fotó tűzés / Document stitching)
Select this stitching method for large documents that were scanned in sections on a flatbed scanner.  You'll place stitching points on all pairs of images so that The Panorama Factory can rotate the individual images for the best match.

After selecting the stitching method, press the Következő / Next> button to advance to the next step of the Wizard.

NOTE: Semi-automatic and manual stitching are available only through the Stitching Wizard.  These stitching methods are not available through the Classic interface.  Fortunately, you can start the Wizard from the Classic interface.  To use semi-automatic or manual stitching from the Classic interface, select a group of thumbnails and use the Tűzés a Varázslóval / Stitch with the Wizard command (Új kép / New image menu).  This starts the Wizard with the selected images.  You can use the full power of the Wizard, including semi-automatic or manual stitching, to create your panorama.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007