Időzítés / Timing panel

The Időzítés / Timing panel shows the number of seconds spent on various The Panorama Factory tasks. The purpose of this panel is to help The Panorama Factory developers figure out what performance tuning tasks are worth pursuing.

The Időzítés / Timing panel offers the following controls:

Visszaállítás / Reset                Resets the timers to zero.


The Időzítés / Timing panel measures the following times:

Varázsló / Wizard — Total time for all Wizard tasks.

Tűzés / Stitch — Total time for panoramic stitching tasks.

Olvasás / Read — Reading image files.

Körbevágás / Crop — Trimming imported images and cropping other images. Sorry, these times are not accumulated separately.

Hajlítás / Warp — Warping trimmed images according to the focal length prior to alignment them.

Újramintázás / Resample — Resampling warped images to have a convenient width and height for alignment.

Decimálás / Decimate — Low-pass filtering during alignment and image resizing. Sorry, these times are not accumulated separately.

Igazítás / Align — Panoramic alignment – low resolution.

Végső igazítás / Final align — Panoramic alignment – high resolution.

Finomhangolás / Fine tune — Image fine tuning (de-ghosting).

'Render'-elés / Render — Drawing warped images into the panoramic image.

'Render'-elés keverés / Render blend — Drawing overlap regions into the panoramic image.

Fókusztávolság finomítása / Refine focal length — Automatic detection or refinement of the focal length value.

Hordótorzítás-korrekció finomítása / Refine barrel correction — Automatic detection or refinement of the barrel correction value.

Csökkenés-korrekció finomítása / Refine falloff correction — Automatic detection or refinement of the falloff correction value.

Feljavítás / Enhance — Image enhancement.

Minőség növelése / Improve quality — Improve quality (Q+).

Írás / Write — Writing image files.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007