Kép mentése másként / Save Image As dialog box

When you use the Aktuális kép mentése... / Save current image as... command (Fájl / File menu) to save the current image, the Kép mentése másként / Save Image As dialog box provides additional options to let you to specify the dimensions and resolution of the saved image.

Save as type
Fájlméret / File size
Weboldal / Web page
Miniatúra index / Thumbnail index


Save as type
Selects among the file types supported by The Panorama Factory.

JPEG beállítások... / settings...
Opens a dialog box that contains controls specific to the output format.  For example, the JPEG beállítások / JPEG settings dialog box controls the JPEG image quality and compression amount.

Kép tulajdonságai... / Image properties...
Opens the Kép tulajdonságok / Image properties dialog box for the current image.  This is a convenience feature that permits you to update image resolution if you need to before saving the image.

Cím és meghatározás... / Title & description...
Opens the Megjegyések a képhez / Notes for image dialog box.  This is a convenience feature that permits you to enter the image title and/or description before saving the image file.  The title and description are used by the web page templates.



Fájlméret / File size
Controls creation and update of web pages containing your images.  These options may be time consuming for certain file types.

Fájlméret számítása / Compute file size — Computes and displays the image file size for the currently selected output format and settings.

Automatikus újraméretezés: / Automatically resize: — Selecting this checkbox and entering a value into the text field causes The Panorama Factory to enforce a maximum image file size when saving.  It will resize your image to a smaller size if necessary to achieve the requested size.  The resulting image file may be somewhat smaller than the requested size.



Weboldal / Web page
Controls creation and update of web pages containing your images.

Nincs weboldal / No web page — Choose this option if you do not wish to create a web page.

Weboldal létrehozás mintából / Create new web page from template — Choose this option to create a new web page containing the image.

Meglévő weboldal frissítése / Update existing web page — Choose this option to update an image that you previously saved into a web page.  You may update the image with a different file type from the one originally used, but the image file name must match the name originally saved to the web page.

Weboldal létrehozáshoz vagy frissítéshez / Web page to create or update — Enter the web page file name or use the Tallózás... / Browse... button to select a file.  When creating a web page, you may leave this field blank to create a web page whose name matches the image file name.

Minta új weboldalakhoz / Template for new web pages — Select the template file to use for creating new web pages.

Megtekintés / Preview — Displays a sample of the web template in your computer’s web browser.  The sample includes nonsense text as placeholders for the image title and description.  A plain rectangle is shown as a placeholder for the image itself.

Megtekinti böngészőben mentés után / View in browser after saving — Select this checkbox to automatically open the web page in your computer’s web browser after creating or updating.



Miniatúra index / Thumbnail index
Controls creation and update of web pages containing thumbnail images.

Miniatúra beszúrása az indexoldalra / Insert thumbnail into index page — Select this checkbox to create a thumbnail at the same time the main image is saved.  The thumbnail will be inserted into a thumbnail index web page.  If the thumbnail image is already present in the page, it will be updated.

Új miniatúra index létrehozása... / Create new thumbnail index... — Opens the Minatúraindex tulajdonságok / Thumbnail index properties dialog box to create a new thumbnail index.

Miniatúra indexoldal / Thumbnail index page — Enter the file name of an existing thumbnail index web page or use the Tallózás... / Browse... button to select a file.  The attributes of the selected thumbnail index page are shown below this text field.

Miniatúra beállítások megváltoztatása... / Change thumbnail settings... — Reopens the Minatúraindex tulajdonságok / Thumbnail index properties dialog box to change the attributes of the selected thumbnail index page.


© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007