Color correct the final image

If you are working from scanned photos (negatives, slides or prints), now is the time to get creative with the Szín eszköz / Color tool. Activate the Szín eszköz / Color tool and the Hisztogramm / Histogram panel (Eszközök / Tools menu) and have fun tweaking the image. You can spend hours doing this, though good results take only minutes!

You may find it useful to create a resized image so that you can see the whole image while adjusting the color correction. This works because the same color correction values are applied to all images in the project. Another way to see the entire image while adjusting color correction is to perform it on the final thumbnail image.

This is the time to adjust the saturation control if you wish. Be subtle with this control. It’s easy to increase the saturation so much that the image looks cartoonish.

Be sure to save the project when you get the color the way you like it

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007