Making your first panorama

Now that you have captured your images, you are ready to make your first panorama.

The easiest way to make your first panorama is to use the Stitching Wizard.  Unless you have disabled the Wizard, it runs automatically when you start The Panorama Factory.  You can make your first panorama just by stepping through the Wizard panels.  You will need to change only a few of the values on the Wizard panels—most of the default settings will work for you without changes.

If you have disabled the Wizard, you can start it manually with the Új projekt varázsló / New Project Wizard command (Fájl / File menu).

See Chapter 3, “Using the Stitching Wizard to make a panorama” for step by step instructions on using the Stitching Wizard.

NOTE: For photo stitching, the Stitching Wizard expects all your images to be the same size (the sizes may vary for document stitching).  If your images need to be trimmed before stitching (e.g. negative strips) you must use the Classic interface to trim the images first.  After trimming, you can stitch with the Classic interface or you can run the Wizard on your trimmed images with the Tűzés a Varázslóval / Stitch with the Wizard command (Új kép / New image menu).

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007