Editing decorations

To edit a decoration move the cursor over part of the decoration.  The decoration does not need to be selected before editing it—editing a decoration automatically selects it and de-selects all other decorations.

When you move the cursor over a decoration, it changes to show you what editing actions are possible:

This cursor

Means this


These cursors resize a decoration without changing its position.

The sides of a rectangle can be moved without affecting other sides.

There are some special interactions for cropping rectangles on 360 degree panoramas.  See the Körbevágás / Crop command (Új kép / New image menu) for more information about cropping rectangles.

The sides of an irregular outline can be moved without affecting the shape by clicking and dragging one of the handles on the side of an outline.

Indicates that the cursor will move a point on a cropping rectangle, changing its orientation.  See the Körbevágás / Crop command (Új kép / New image menu) for more information about cropping rectangles.

This cursor also moves points on the warping grid, changing its orientation or shape.  See “Wizard step 7/9 – Előnézet alacsony felbontáson / Preview at low resolution” in Chapter 3, “Using the Stitching Wizard to make a panorama” for more information about the warping grid.

This cursor can also be used to edit the direction and magnitude of a fine tuning tile.  See “Fine tuning the image alignment” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about fine tuning tiles.

Indicates that the cursor will move the entire decoration.  To move a movable circle or movable rectangle, place the cursor over one of the central crossing lines.  To move a polygon you must choose the Polygon Move tool.  See Poligon szerkesztése / Edit polygon under the 'Hotspot' tulajdonságok / Hotspot properties dialog box (Eszközök / Tools menu) for more information about editing polygon hotspots.


These cursors move, insert and delete points on a polygon.  See Poligon szerkesztése / Edit polygon under the 'Hotspot' tulajdonságok / Hotspot properties dialog box (Eszközök / Tools menu) for more information about editing polygon hotspots.

Indicates that the cursor is over the handle at the top or bottom border of an irregular outline. Clicking opens the overlap region for manual fine tuning (removal of ghost images). See “Fine tuning the image alignment” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about fine tuning.

Indicates that the cursor is over the left or right border of an irregular outline. Dragging up or down edits the shape of the outline.  You can use this to exclude portions of one image or the other from the blend region.

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007