Adding decorations

Some decorations are added automatically.  For example, the Tűzés / Stitch command and the Tűzés 360 / Stitch 360 command (Új kép / New image menu) add outlines to indicate the overlap regions.  These outlines can be edited to adjust the boundaries of the blend region, but they cannot be removed.

Other decorations are added by user actions.  For example, hotspots are added to the image by clicking on the image.

The mouse cursor shape indicates when clicking or click-dragging will add a new decoration. 'Hotspot' tulajdonságok / Hotspot properties dialog box.

This cursor

Means this



Indicates that a trimming corner will be placed when you click.

Indicates that a fixed-size trimming rectangle will be placed when you click.

Indicates that the preview rectangle will be drawn when you click-and-drag on the image.

Indicates that a fine tuning tile will be drawn when you click-and-drag on the image.

 Indicates that a cropping rectangle will be drawn when you click-and-drag on the image.

Indicates that a spot type hotspot will be placed when you click on the image.

Indicates that a movable circle will be drawn when you click-and-drag on the image.

Indicates that a movable rectangle will be drawn when you click-and-drag on the image.

Indicates that a polygon will be drawn when you click-and-drag on the image.

For information about creating image hotspots, see “Adding hotspots to your panoramas” in Chapter 7, “Making a virtual tour.”

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007